Hearing Help For Africa

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Advancing hearing and restoring hope in Africa.

I couldn’t wait to share with you my story of my really eventful day today.  I was given the opportunity to give my former hearing aid which I do not need any more thanks to Dr. Green and Jacksonville Hearing and Balance to a 13 year old boy today that has a mild to moderate hearing loss.  The kid used to do very well in school but because of his hearing loss his performance has fallen, his mom could not afford to buy him a hearing aid.  Now thanks to all of you at Jacksonville hearing and Balance showing me that it’s really good to be of help to other people who are not as privileged as some of us I have been able to help him and look forward to helping more kids here in Nigeria once I begin my Houseman ship.  I shared with him some of the pictures from my time in Jacksonville with all of you .  Many thanks again for the good example you have shown me.  I learned so much while in Jacksonville and will continue to use it as much as possible.  Dr. Green has really ignited a passion within me and for me he is my role model as a Doctor and someday I hope to do some of the amazing good works he is doing now.  You all have touched my life in a way no one ever has.  ~Samuel Ochenehi, December 12, 2012

Photo is Dr. J. Douglas Green and Samuel Ochenehi during his visit in Jacksonville, FL